lunes, 25 de marzo de 2013

I want to rape you...

I want to rape you...
She was surprised my note that you had left on my gift, this remained down a chain of gold, carved hermozamente, had three necklaces of leather and the more had large diamonds around, another box remained strokes of fabric combined with chains, making it a garment that the returned a half-naked women in little clothes, she I looked with that face of I gotta be fucking;
-well, do you like me?, get it-
She saw me, sigh she I guess my thinking just to see my eyes, he started to place, according to the piece, chain tied you your hands a bit and could be tightened ahead or behind it, the scraps of clothing forcing them it to be half-naked, under it remained only a small thong FLOSS, her huge breasts could see in and out easily, she is covered as if it were worth;
-why you hardly?-
She look at me puzzled;
-do if God wanted that andasemos naked in eden, by that you would have to embarrass you?-
She swallow saliva, one false step and desataria hell;
-so not we were created-
I rei;
-We were not born to be miserable in this land-
She saw me puzzled;
-come let's dine -
She was surprised;
-We go to a good restaurant-
It was red;
It is summer slut, anyone you vera with strange eyes -
so it was as we left in his car by the city, whose red and yellow lights us bathing a pleasure morbido, she wore a shawl by the serene night, it felt like the whore of Babylon;
-Leave Act in a fucking nun-
espete you
She saw me with fear;
-I've burned, beaten, humiliated and want to act normal -
I rei;
-lie and tell me that what you do does not make you enjoy -
She did not answer;
-Note that res a selfish slut, many people want to be in your shoes, you're lucky to be alive, to have an objective -
her question;
-whats that?-
I sonrei;
-give me pleasure, that is better than swallowing prozac and drugs to sleep, but at least now you can sleep at night -
She saw me and I finally stopped the truck, the valet parking take the keys and came out with the car, the present looks rested in it that is covered with the shawl, but entering looks faded, was a woman with the neckline so pronounced that it left slut as a member of the club of the desencia;
-reservation for Mr Hillfiger -
I told the waiter, this smile and took us to the table, slut is felt strange;
-that place is this? -
a young girl, perhaps from just 18-year-old was taken by another woman, the the naked blonde teen, redhead of 18 lost clothing and finish on the table, the diner ate without giving importance, the blond woman took a bottle of wine and started to empty it into the mouth to the other woman, this can stand the wine in your mouth, man approach her mouth to the vagina of the female nude, then women began to leave the wine in your mouth through his naked, until you pass through your vagina where man bebia wine, while step you toward oral sex of her life, once empty mouth of the redhead, but it came and again drink as the old man Kings of yesteryear, on the vagina of a young girl almost Virgin, our dishes were served, I ate a big, juicy steak accompanied by shrimp a la diabla, rice and salad accompanied, she ate a huge Burger, fries and a mushroom soup, a woman entered, was charged by six men in a huge pillow, she only stopped to sit at the table and eatsinco men sat down to eat with her, another placed under it, as a Cabinet human, woman you see occasionally dropped him some pedaso food man from below, one of the men of the table is you fell somewhat from the dish, this enraged women, men stood up and took her arms to each othereven the that it was under the table, they took him by force and women get a whip, merciless man was punished, slut was amazed, had left to eat, only to see those muscular bodies be punished, were strong big men and but weak mentally, the Viper I knew her well, she is had won my brand in its rearfor that and much more hated men, but to see them le facinaban, 30 chicotasos were enough to humiliate that clumsy mass of muscles, I finished eating, I was a slut;
-that kind of restaurant is this? -
I sonrei;
-a restaurant for the pleasure of pain-
She sigh;
-the food is delicious-
said with a smile;
-Here there is a rule, or pay or your flesh pay -
She saw me puzzled, but or a smile, was hebria;
-go up to the food you see-
I sonrei;
-do you want to pleasure hard or soft?-
She smiled;
-you know what I like -

It was when you take it, undress her and dispose of the tie-down on the table, with the chain and prepare it with force started to masturbate it, she began to enjoy, Diners westward to see us, only slaves and initiated masters turned to see us, snake eyes rested sobr my prey, I wanted some of that, you know, but today notmasturbate her until she came in vaginal fluids that exploded on the table, untying her and let her go to the bathroom for sex slaves, was a place for men and women, could not speak between them or anything, she returned wearing that dress that sends you to do, waiters arrived ylimpiaron, leave a good tip, owners and several teachers we looked anxious, bring it to me in the car, she hugged me;
-would still hate me?-
She smiled in the middle of their embriagues;
-Maybe, or maybe just want your attention-
I saw, sonrei and Kiss, while the traffic light became red and u in that city without name

Tengo ganas de violarte....

Tengo ganas de violarte....

Ella vio con sorpresa mi nota que le habia dejado en mi regalo, abajo de esta permanecia una cadena de oro, hermozamente labrada, tenia tres collares de cuero y el mas grande tenia diamantes alrededor, otra caja permanecia los trazos de tela que conjugaban con las cadenas, haciendola una ropa que la volvia una mujer semidesnuda, en poca ropa, ella me veia con ese rostro de me tienes que estar jodiendo;

-bien, ¿te gusto?, pontelo-

ella me vio, suspiro ella adivino mi pensamiento con solo ver mi mirada, se lo empezo a colocar, segun las pieza, la cadena le amarraba las manos un poco y podia ser apretada adelante o atras de ella, los retazos de ropa la obligaban a estar semidesnuda, debajo de ella solo permanecia una pequeña tanga de hilo dental, sus pechos enormes podian verse y salir facilmente, ella se cubrio como si tuviese pena;

-¿por que te apenas?-

ella me miro extrañada;

-¿si dios queria que andasemos desnudos en el eden, por que tendrias que avergonzarte?-

ella trago saliva, un paso en falso y desataria el infierno;

-para eso no fuimos creados-

yo rei;

-no nacimos para ser miserables en esta tierra-

ella me vio extrañada;

-ven vamos a cenar-

ella se sorprendio;

-iremos a un buen restaurante-

ella se puso roja;

-es verano putilla, nadie te vera con ojos extraños-

asi fue como salimos en su carro por la ciudad, cuyas luces rojas y amarillas nos bañaban de un placer morbido, ella llevaba un chal por el sereno nocturno, se sentia como la puta de babilonia;

-deja de actuar de una puta monja-

le espete

ella me vio con temor;

-me has quemado, golpeado, humillado y quieres que actue normal-

yo rei;

-mienteme y dime que lo que te hago no te hace gozar-

ella no contesto;

-date cuenta que res una zorra egoista, mucha gente quisiera estar en tus zapatos, eres afortunada por estar viva, por tener un objetivo-

ella cuestiono;

-¿cual es ese?-

yo sonrei;

-darme placer, eso es mejor que tragar prozac y drogas para dormir, pero por lo menos ya puedes dormir por las noches-

ella me vio y por fin detuve el carro, el valet parking tomo las llaves y salio con el coche, las miradas de los presentes se posaron en ella que se cubria con el chal, pero al entrar las miradas se desvanecieron, habia una mujer con el escote tan pronunciado que dejaba a putilla como una integrante del club de la desencia;

-la reservacion para el señor Hillfiger-

dije al mesero, este sonrio y nos llevo a la mesa, putilla se sentia extraña;

-¿que lugar es este?-

una jovencita, quiza de apenas de 18 años fue tomada por otra mujer, la joven rubia la desnudo, la peliroja de 18 perdio la ropa y termino sobre la mesa, el comensal comia sin darle importancia, la mujer rubia tomo una botella de vino y empezo a vaciarsela en la boca a la otra mujer, esta aguanto el vino blanco en su boca, el hombre acerco su boca a la vagina de la mujer desnuda, entonces la mujer empezo a dejar el vino de su boca pasando por su cuerpo desnudo, hasta pasar por su vagina donde el hombre bebia el vino, mientras de paso le hacia el sexo oral de su vida, una ves vacia la boca de la pelirroja, mas vino y de nuevo el hombre bebio como los viejos reyes de antaño, sobre la vagina de una joven casi virginal, nuestros platos fueron servidos, yo comi un filete de carne grande y jugoso acompañado de camarones a la diabla, arroz y ensalada acompañaban, ella comio una hamburguesa enorme, con papas y una sopa de hongos, una mujer entro, era cargada por seis hombres en una almohada enorme, ella solo se paro para sentarse en la mesa a comer, sinco hombres se sentaron a comer con ella, otro se coloco bajo de ella, como un mueble humano, la mujer de ves en cuando le dejaba caer algun pedaso de comida al hombre de abajo, uno de los hombres de la mesa se le cayo algo del plato, esto enfurecio a la mujer, los hombres se levantaron y le tomaron de los brazos al otro, incluso el que estaba debajo de la mesa, lo tomaron por la fuerza y la mujer saco un chicote, sin piedad el hombre fue castigado, putilla estaba asombrada, habia dejado de comer, solo para ver esos musculosos cuerpos ser castigados, eran hombres grandes fuertes y pero debiles mentales, esa vibora yo la conocia bien, ella se habia ganado mi marca en su tracero, por eso y mucho mas odiaba a los hombres, pero a las ves le facinaban, 30 chicotasos bastaron para humillar esa masa torpe de musculos, yo termine de comer, putilla me vio;

-¿que clase de restaurante es este?-

yo sonrei;

-un restaurante para el placer del dolor-

ella suspiro;

-la comida es deliciosa-

dijo con una sonrisa;

-aqui hay una regla, o pagas o tu carne paga-

ella me vio extrañada, pero o una sonrisa, estaba hebria;

-vaya, hasta en la comida te veo-

yo sonrei;

-¿quieres placer duro o suave?-

ella sonrio;

-tu sabes lo que me gusta-

fue cuando la tome, la desnude y la arroje sobre la mesa, con la cadena la amarre y la prepare, con fuerza comense a masturbarla,ella empezo a gozar, los comensales se volteaban a vernos, solo los esclavos y maestros iniciados se giraban a vernos, los ojos de vibora se posaron sobr mi presa, queria algo de eso, lo sabia, pero hoy no, la masturbe hasta que ella se vino en liquidos vaginales que explotaron sobre la mesa, la desamarre y la deje ir al baño para esclavos sexuales, era un lugar para hombres y mujeres, no podian hablar entre ellos ni nada, ella regreso vestida con ese vestido que le mande a hacer, los meseros llegaron ylimpiaron, deje una buena propina, los dueños y varias maestras nos veian ansiosas, me la lleve en el carro, ella me abrazaba;

-¿todavia me odias?-

ella sonrio en medio de su embriagues;

-tal ves, o tal ves solo quiero tu atencion-

yo la vi, sonrei y la bese, mientras el semaforo se tornaba en rojo y permaneciamos en esa ciudad sin nombrre.

miércoles, 13 de marzo de 2013


However, it moves... and enjoys...
Tied hands, hanging like a beef, it I looked attentive, me closer just to smell it, the smell of a woman I fantasies, not that damn smell of perfume, cheap or expensive, if not that natural smell, which is so easy to recognize when a woman just bathing, she  looked with some curiosity and pleasure and see her with that look of desire, his feet hardly touched soil and she is rested as he could, I guess that that position was uncomfortable me it opened immediately said if she is not tied, but that's part of the magic, forcing her to try pain, if this eternal friend who accompanied me since my childhood, like loneliness, that had me to the limit of madness if not for to accept that I wa sa sick and depressed sociopath stalker rapist, but even among the rats, there are classes, I've never done something of what repent me, although there are things that not me arrepenteria or in hell, seeing her so helpless like that, I say;
-you know, when was 8 years old, my parents gave me all sorts of toys and even video games, but I just wanted to be with them, you know I hate my parents -
Slut  see me strange;
- but my mother gave me good advice, make your toys so no one more play with them -
She saw me puzzled, so I went by the surprise, a small charcoal grill, in which remained an iron to burn, this remained in my sign, she saw me with that face that possessed and got to see me try new things, started to move from one side to another, started to make noises of wanting to scream;
-keep it that way and be worts for you-
She saw me as if she had said, you gotta be fucking me;
-quiet or you are gona make me lose patient-
She has become violent, a mass of fury that should be calm, snapping at her belly stopped everything;
-enough, I don't want to hurt you so much today-
She saw me with that look of hatred, with eyes of tears, use pulleys to raise your feet with your hands, it is returned a species be tied quadruped, I recalled to Rodeo bulls, curiously, living more than Spanish bullfighting bulls, I am a masochist, not a sadist, take the iron, she saw me terrified iron was orange, almost Red;
told her, she began to move from one side to another, impotent;
-nothing happens-
She move almost to convulsions;
-nothing happens-
slowly move it;
slowly, in an accurate and fast way, implant to the skin, she could despite the gag throw a groan of pain, quickly remove it immediately and so as I could take the kit prepared beforehand, clean the wound and untying it, help you to dress up and take her to bed.
-do these well?-
-fuck you!-
I answered it;
-i guess so-
-you're a pig in shit!-
I laught;
-I am not very different from other men, that you only get what he wants from women, just tell me, how many times you been damaged in the soul, you have trampled wrecking dreams you have on the heart, you lied if I told you that you are the woman of my dreams -
She turned for a moment;
-physical pain is so horrible that we do not want it, but the heart, the soul suffers more than the body, but you lied if you had not said than what you do me excites, but lie and tell me that haven't liked with everything I do -
She turned to see me;
-just tell me and everything is finished -
She is spin;
-no, I don't enjoy at all, leave me go damn-
I laught and without more I kiss her on the mouth, she resists, but gradually follows me the current, kiss her neck, low by her breasts, taking their hands and work clamped them to bed, from there I can lick your back, until desender for their ass and her vagina, where test, suck and bite, with care, do not want to touch his new memory gift, She throws a groan of pleasure, but I stop;
-tell me that you hate me-
She sees me undecided;
-tell him-
She is rotated;
-I hate, hate everything you do, how you use me, how you force to do what i don't want to, I hate how you do all I do not like to enjoy it, I hate you and you have no idea -
I laught;
-what you hateyou love and that you love you hate-
She saw me and follow testing your body until you reach your delisiosos breasts, she threw a groan and imagine  as she had to feed their children, but now  shhuold feed me, place it in position and gently entered you my Member, she cry I was slowly penetrating her being, she only threw sighs, my fingers rested in his ass and touch  it gently, i follow, she was mine, I remember my first computer, the touch with love, as I played a slut, gently, but you see her with force , indeed the things that belong to you are the more like you and hurt you and incidentally love it, i follow every time depths, more tough, she released a moan of pleasure she has come, but I to a was hungry, I left the room, she remained so, I went back with a back massager, she I just saw, this place it was in her vagina, her delicious fruit of pleasure, was delicious see her wiggle pleasure every time more the speed and for her pleasure, until it reaches the maximum speed, so she as start to penetrate your ass It was tight and hard, but she and his convulsions of pleasure it did do so every time more delicious, this pace is impossible to follow, for it does not take long to cum, I did on her face and she released jets of vaginal fluids all hody, I smile, and she inadvertently account she hug to fall asleep in my arms;
-Slut, I told her in the ear, I love you -
She only moved and I embrace you with force and so remained while outside the world is towards pieces between hypocrisy, malice, pride and cell...

Y sin embargo, se mueve...... y goza....

Y sin embargo, se mueve...... y goza....

Amarrada de manos, colgada como una res, ella me veia atenta, me acerque solo para olerla, el olor de una mujer me exita, no ese maldito olor a perfume barato o caro, si no ese olor natural, que es tan facil de reconocer cuando una mujer acaba de bañarse, ella me veia con cierto morbo y placer y a la ves con esa mirada de deseo, sus pies apenas tocaban el suelo y ella se sostenia como podia, supongo que esa pocision era incomoda me lo abria dicho de inmediato si ella no estuviese amordasada, pero eso es parte de la magia, obligarla a probar el dolor, si ese eterno amigo mio que me acompañaba desde mi infancia, al igual que la soledad, que me tuvo al limite de la locura de no ser por que acepte lo que yo era, un enfermo, sociopata depresivo y acosador violador, pero incluso entre las ratas hay clases, nunca he hecho algo de lo que me arrepienta, aunque hay cosas de las que no me arrepenteria ni en el infierno, al verla asi tan indefensa, le digo;

-sabes, cuando tenia 8 años, mis padres me regalaron toda clase de juguetes e incluso videojuegos, pero solo queria estar con ellos, sabes yo odio a mis padres-

Putilla me ve extrañada;

-pero mi madre me dio un buen consejo, marca tus juguetes para que nadie mas juegue con ellos-

ella me vio extrañada, entonces yo fui por la sorpresa, un pequeño asador de carbon, en el que permanecia un hierro ardiendo, en este permanecia mi signo, ella me vio con ese rostro que poseia y ponia al verme intentar nuevas cosas, se empezo a mover de un lado a otro, empezo a hacer ruidos de querer gritar;

-sigue asi y empeoraras todo-

ella me vio como si me dijera, me tienes que estar jodiendo;

-tranquila o me haras perder la paciensia-

ella se torno violenta, una masa de furia que debia de ser calmada, un golpe seco en su vientre detuvo todo;

-basta, no quiero hacerte tanto daño hoy-

ella me vio con esa mirada de odio, con los ojos llenos de lagrimas, uso las poleas para juntar sus pies con sus manos, ella se volvio una especie de ser cuadrupedo atado, me recordo a los toros de jaripeo, que curiosamente, viven mas que los toros de las corridas españolas, soy un masoquista, no un sadista, tome el hierro, ella me vio aterrada, el hierro estaba de color naranja, casi llegando a rojo;


le dije, ella comenzo a moverse de un lado a otro, impotente;

-no pasa nada-

ella se retorsio casi a convulciones;

-no pasa nada-

poco a poco se lo acerque;


lentamente, de una manera certera y rapida, se lo implante a la piel, ella pudo pese a la mordasa lanzar un gemido de dolor, se lo quite de inmediato y tan rapido como pude tome el kit preparado con anterioridad, limpie la herida y la desamarre, la ayude a vestirse y la lleve a la cama;

-¿estas bien?-


-¡vete al diablo!-

me contesto ella;

-con eso me basta-


-¡eres un cerdo de mierda!-

yo rei;

-no soy muy diferente a otros hombres, que solo desea conseguir lo que quiere de las mujeres, solo dime, cuantas veces te han dañado en el alma, te han destrosado los sueños te han pisoteado el corazon, te mentiria si te dijera que eres la mujer de mis sueños-

ella se giro por un momento;

-el dolor fisico es tan horrible que no lo deseamos, pero el corazon, el alma sufre mas que el cuerpo, pero te mentiria si no te dijera que lo que te hago me exita, pero mienteme y dime que no has gosado con todo lo que hago-

ella se giro para no verme;

-solo dimelo y todo se acaba-

ella se giro;

-no, no disfruto en lo absoluto, dejame libre de una puta ves-

me rio y sin mas la beso en la boca, ella se resiste, pero poco a poco me sigue la corriente, beso su cuello, bajo por sus pechos, tomo sus manos y las amarro a la cama, desde alli puedo lamer su espalda, hasta desender por su ano y su vagina, donde lamo, chupo y muerdo, con cuidado, no quiero tocar su nuevo recuerdo, ella lanza un gemido de placer, pero me detengo;

-dime que me odias-

ella me ve indecisa;


ella se gira;

-te odio, odio todo lo que me haces, lo que me utilisas, odio como me obligas a hacer lo que no quiero, odio como haces que todo lo que no me gusta lo disfrute, te odio como no tienes idea-

yo rei;

-lo que odias amas y lo que amas desprecias-

ella me vio y prosegui probando su cuerpo hasta llegar a sus pechos delisiosos, ella lanzo un gemido y me imagine como ella debia de alimentar a sus hijos, pero ahora debia alimentarme a mi, la coloque en posicion y suavemente le introduje mi miembro, ella gimio y poco a poco fui penetrando su ser, ella solo lanzaba suspiros, mis dedos se posaron en su ano y lo acaricie con suavidad, prosegui, ella era eso, era mia, recuerdo mi primera computadora, la tocas con amor, como yo tocaba a putilla, con suavidad, pero a la ves con fuerza regia, en verdad las cosas que te pertenecen son las mas te gusta y te duelen y casualmente, amas mas, prosegui, cada ves mas profundo, mas recio, ella lanzo un gemido de placer, habia llegado, pero yo a un estaba hambriento, sali del cuarto, ella permanecio asi, volvi con un masageador de espalda, ella solo me vio, este se lo coloque en su vagina, su delicioso fruto de placer, era delisioso verla contonearse de placer cada ves aumetaba la velocidad y para ella ella el placer, hasta que llegue al maximo de velocidad, asi fue como comense a penetrar su ano, era apretado y duro, pero ella y sus convulciones de placer lo hacian hacerlo cada ves mas delisioso, a este ritmo es imposible de seguir, por lo que no tarde mucho en correrme, lo hice sobre su cara y ella lanzo chorros de liquidos vaginales inundandolo todo, yo sonrei, y ella sin darse cuenta me abrazo para dormirse en mis brazos;

-Putilla, le dije en el oido, te amo-

ella solo se movio y me abrazo con fuerza y asi permanecimos mientras afuera el mundo se hacia pedazos entre hipocresia, maldad, soberbia y estupides....