miércoles, 3 de abril de 2013

The student exceeded the teacher, and work clamped it firmly...

The student exceeded the teacher, and work clamped it firmly...
Slut every day passing it was customary to be my faithful wife and slave, I had said his name, Leticia, or something like that, I just it usababa when I was angry with her, and slut was its name when me to happy or was happy with me, but the past sometimes returns you so hard that you hit and leaves you pulled by some seconds wondering if someone score the plates of the car that you I hit, she called me by phone, his name was Maria, was appointed master, had known in a chat, she dreamed of being beaten, outraged and raped by various types, go that it was fun to talk to her, while he remembered was driving towards the place where would see it.

She was waiting in the coffee agreed at the agreed time, I saw it from the entrance, their photos are looked fat and finished, according to her, but in person it was much more hermoza, she smiled, leia a book by the Marquis de Sade, thing that made me smile;
I said politely;
-Hello Mr X-
I sonrei, that was my nickname and the chat;
-well, here we are, what is the plan?-
-you tell me -
Indeed he seemed nervous, but ready to everything;
-If you would like your husband is called?-
She under the eyes;
-Why questions?-
I saw in the Park a few children playing not very far;
-We can talk about best of your book, go that Sade was a pedophile-
This caused her to react;
-Okay, he is a male, but not any male, let me explain, likes to order me, but is softens when he wants something, sometimes to State I'm hitting me, but I defend me, once I was ready to fit him with the knife, but...-
She keep silence;
-go, definitely you're a naive if you think that he loves you, the you will destroy if you let it be -
She duck look;
-do is the difference between your and the?-
I rei;
-No, but you would have that live to realize this-
She seemed to shiver;
-realize that a woman like you likes to be less than an object, as you use your husband, but I you would give your place that you deserve, a good case I assure you -
She really seemed in his head than in the reality;
- but you could one day disobey it and be free, just for a second -
She smiled and asintio, the waiter brought the cards and we order a coffee for each;
-tell me that I must do-
I sonrei;
-go to the bathroom and take off the underwear, the support and the thong or whatever you have set -
She swallow saliva, people empesaba to coffee;
I sonrei;
-are you going to take this seriously or not?-
She swallow saliva and came out of there, wait, surely is iria with his male, than to tell him all you would give a good, but she returned, with loose under her Office clothes, breasts her closed legs to avoid giving a show;
-fails to close the legs, not you the pedi so you close them -
She obedecio, the look of a couple posed on us;
-now tell me that you feel-
She sigh;
-fear, shame -
I look at the park that is had been only;
-imagined it, either from this point there is no way back, if you want you can leave or stay, but I warn you do not want whining or anything running to call the police -
She saw me terrified, but your coffee drink;
-won't hurt me-
I rei, the sky clouded;
-no, I'm a mazoquista, not a sadista, I don't like the corpses also blood is very difficult to clean -
She saw me with fear;
-well, send me master-
I rei, it was fun, I didn't to me called anyway, but this me to grace;
-We will complete our coffee and we will go to the public baths;
She observed me aterrorisada;
-that's too -
I sigh, I saw the street;
-see a whore parate -
She swallow saliva and got up, I asked the account and the waiter brought us this noto bust
-Here is young-
I paid retired, bring it to the baths, where few people, had entered it with force and start her blouse, your her breasts were more large what appeared, she was not ugly at all, is that simply had to see it through different angles like to me, so her Kiss to force and I could probr her huge breastsmy fingers went to her vagina, in which I could feel your beautiful pubic, she said nothing, just was not limited to enjoy, it was then that the take turn her and lift her skirt, only so I could test its year and her vagina, she really was struggling not to make noise, but after trying it, started to spank, but every time more strong, algrado let you the red rear, she I looked between fear and distress, take your bag's bra and thong, with them the tie-down mouth and hands and comnce to penetrate the vagina, was delicious, her nerves and tension held, besides that was quite wet, it was delicious, prosegui but not left me wanting, arrange it and prepare it, his year was hot, gently comense acarisiarlo, she I looked but not said anything, but I could read in his face, whatever you go to, you have about once, then slowly I started to introdusirse, was tight and she released a moan of pain and do not cease to move and moan like a pig, until I was ready to come to me, the descolgue and the pusede knees with hands tied, I came on her face and forces them to swallow my fluids, lowering and ordered;

-We will go out and you do not you brush your face, in addition to that you'll be barefoot -
She only moviosu head in affirmative signal;
We left and walked out of the bathroom was a partner with the face of surprise and fear, girl Mary was watching and grimaced in disgust, reached his car where the face; could be cleaned
- and good?-
She saw me;
-that was...-
I sonrei;
-the best sex of your life-
She saw me and smiled, no more kiss it.

But now, she was at my mercy...

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